Duit Panas

Monday, January 31, 2011

Web Hosting

Setelah kita mampu membina website, kita haruslah mencari satu tapak web hosting untuk meletakkan website kita supaya dapat dilihat di internet. website bolehlah kita anggap sebagai rumah dan rumah memerlukan tapak rumah supaya rumah tersebut dapat berdiri dengan cantik. oleh itu tapak rumah tersebut merupakan web hosting yang akan memastikan website kita dapat dilihat oleh orang ramai di internet. Saya mencadangkan web hosting GDI kerana banyak kelebihannya. Klik di sini untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut secara PERCUMA.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

buat website

Untuk menjana kewangan dalam talian, kita harus tahu membuat website sendiri bagi memudahkan kita melakukan pemasaran apa sahaja yang ingin kita pasarkan. Bagi membina website, kita perlu mempunyai ilmu yang berkaitan. KLIK disini untuk mendapatkan maklumat bagaimana untuk membina website secara PERCUMA.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Punca 5 orang susah nak kaya

Sebab #5 : Tidak cukup sabar dan tiada keazaman

Untuk menamatkan apa juga perlumbaan, anda mesti memecut
daripada garisan permulaan dan mengikut terus sehingga
ke garisan penamat.

Ramai orang yang mencipta kegagalan mereka samada tidak
bermula langsung atau tidak tamatkan, atau kedua-duanya

Untuk menjana kekayaan, berjaya dan hidup bahagia anda
mestilah mempunyai kesabaran dan keazaman untuk tiba
ke garisan penamat. Anda bukan sahaja perlu bermula,
tetapi mesti tabah mengharungi semuanya.

Bunyinya mungkin sudah jelas, tetapi ianya masih menjadi
punca kegagalan sesorang.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Punca 4 orang susah nak kaya

Sebab #4 : Tidak faham atau tidak gunakan sistem menjana duit

Sistem buat duit ialah sesuatu aktiviti yang boleh buat duit
untuk anda tanpa perlu kerja. Dengan lain perkataan, ianya
satu sistem yang buat duit secara automatik.

Aset yang sebenar hanyalah satu sistem atau yang berkait

Selepas anda mencipta atau gunakan satu sistem buat duit,
tiada had berapa banyak duit yang boleh anda perolehi.

Dengan menjadi pakar kepada sistem duit akan membawa
kekayaan diluar dugaan anda.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Punca 3 orang susah nak kaya

Sebab #3 : Fokus kepada pendapatan aktif daripada pasif

Salah seorang jutawan yang saya kenali pernah memberi
nasihat dengan selamba. Beliau berkata "Jika anda
tidak buat duit semasa tidur, anda tidak akan kaya."

Pendapatan aktif adalah gaji yang anda dapat daripada
bekerja. Anda bekerja sejam dan mendapat bayaran untuk
sejam bekerja dan sampai disitu sahaja.

Pendapatan pasif ialah anda bekerja sekali sahaja tetapi
terus mendapat bayaran tanpa putus daripada kerja yang
tidak lagi anda lakukan.

Dengan membuat pelaburan atau mencipta aset sebenar yang
memberikan pendapatan pasif kepada anda adalah tiket untuk
anda menuju kekayaan.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Punca 2 orang susah nak kaya

Sebab #2 : Ilmu Kewangan Yang Teruk

Kunci kekayaan terletak kepada pemahaman tentang aset dan

Perbezaanya saya ringkaskan disini: Aset adalah sesuatu yang
masukkan duit kepoket anda. Hutang pula ialah sesuatu yang
keluarkan duit dari poket anda.

Aset : Wang masyuk
Liabiliti: Wang keluar

Ramai orang yang berfikir bahawa rumah, kereta dan harta
benda adalah aset mereka.

Tetapi, yang sebenarnya ialah hampir semuanya menyebabkan
anda keluarkan wang dari poket anda. Mereka MAHUKAN wang
daripada anda. Mereka tidak BERIKAN anda wang.

Oleh itu, daripada definisi diatas, semuanya itu adalah
liabiliti = hutang!

Bila anda mempunyai wang yang banyak MASUK daripada
aset yang sebenar daripada wang yang KELUAR untuk
membayar liabiliti, anda akan bebas dari segi kewangan.

Hanya terdapat satu cara untuk anda lakukannya. Dan ianya
membawa kita kepada...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Punca 1 orang susah nak kaya

Sebab #1 : Menunggu Untuk Bermula

Hampir semua orang tidak mahu menunggu untuk berjaya. Tetapi,
pada masa yang sama, mereka sanggup menunggu untuk mula
melangkah ke arah kejayaan.

Nampakkah anda masalahnya disini?

Lagi lama anda menunggu untuk bermula, lama lagi untuk anda
menjana wang, kejayaan dan gayahidup yang anda mahukan.

Ramai orang yang menunggu sehingga semuanya sempurna sebelum
mereka bertindak. Oleh sebab itu, mereka tidak akan bergerak
dan tidak akan mendapat ganjarannya.

Tiada perlumbaan yang akan dimenangi (atau diakhiri) oleh
seseorang yang tidak melepasi garis permulaaan.

Jangan menunggu untuk bertindak. Mulakan hari ini dengan
melangkah ke arah kejayaan.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Writing Little Classifieds That Pay Off Big! By Grady Smith Part 2


Never, try to close your offer from a simple classified
ad.  It just doesn’t work that way. Classifieds are
short, and there isn’t enough room for you to list your
major selling points.

Instead, you want to simple introduce the reader to
your offer and communicate the strongest benefits and
how it will help them. Create a little excitement here.
Give the reader only enough to build curiosity so
they’re driven to find out more.


People will follow when you lead. So tell the reader
exactly what they need to do.

Trying to get information in front of your prospect?
Tell them how they can get it. Want them to sign up
for your newsletter? Show them what they need to do.

By stating in simple terms what to do next, the now
interested reader will follow. And if you’ve followed
these suggestions, you’ll have copy that leads the
reader to their pot of gold every time.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Writing Little Classifieds That Pay Off Big! By Grady Smith Part 1

Right now, I want you to make a choice...

Are you going to sit by with mediocre advertising results,
or are you going to invest a little bit of time to assure
every classified you write has the pulling power of a 350
horse power, money generating, engine?

The reality of ads is most people do NOT use them
effectively. And bottom line, an effective classified ad
is the workhorse of most businesses.

So, are you using these little wonders to your full

Can you comfortably invest $100 in ads with the assurance
that you’ll pull in $1,200 or more?

If not, then there’s a world I’m about to open to you.
And the secrets you’re going to learn have the potential
to literally shatter your belief that you need to spend a
lot and place thousands of classifieds to turn any real


Forget about cleverly designed sentences and trying to
wow readers with your selection and use of words. 

Your headline has one job, to draw the reader in to the
rest of your advertisement.

Any headline you write should make the headline stand
out from the rest, stop the reader dead in their tracks,
and make them curious.

So, what makes people stop and want to learn more about
your offer?

It targets them directly, and then it proposes a
solution to a problem.

When writing your headline, you need to ask yourself
those questions. Do you have your target prospect in
mind while writing the headline, and will it make them
want to read more? And does it offer a solution to a
problem that’s nagging your target prospect?

Once can answer yes to both question, then you’re ready
to move on to step two.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Your online money machine - Rent, Buy, or Build (c)copyright 2002 Terry Telford

Let's face it, there's only one real reason to own
an online business - to make money. If you own a
business online and you are not making money, then
you have an online hobby. Both are lots of fun and
can be very rewarding, but most of us want to make
money. To make money on line, you need a website.
This is your online money machine. To get a website
you can rent, buy or build.

Just before we look at the three business options,
let's take a moment and think ahead a bit.
Regardless of what type of site you choose, your
success is dependant upon your marketing. You can
have the best product in the world, but if no one
knows about it, you may as well be selling sand in
the desert. So before you decide on what type of
online business is best for you, think about the
amount of time and/or money that you are willing to
invest in your marketing.

Now let's take a closer look at the three business

Rent. Renting a website is the easiest and fastest
way for you to get online and selling a product,
virtually within minutes. How do you rent a website?
By becoming an affiliate of someone else's site. When
you become an affiliate of many online businesses,
you get your 'own' version of their site. This
replicating website gives you a professional website
that you can refer others to and make money when they
make a purchase. A perfect example of a self-
replicating website is Happeneurs,
http://www.bpcpublishing.com/biz1.htm These affiliate
websites are often free, but some charge a small set
up fee.

If you choose to go this route and rent a website, make
sure you are signing up with a business that offers
you a quality product that is in demand, a support
system, a proven way to make money, and ready made
marketing tools. Quality online businesses that offer
replicating websites usually provide you with banners,
text links, classified ads, solo ads and tips that will
help you get stated with your marketing campaign. This
is the fastest way to get into business and start
making money.

Buy. The next option is for you to buy a website. You
can buy a site that has just been built, or a site that
already has a proven track record. The advantage of
buying a brand new site is you are in full control of
the site's reputation in the marketplace. With a little
marketing savvy, you can have visitors in your door,
the same day you buy the site.

If you choose to buy a site that has been around for
some time, you also inherit the site's traffic, marketing
systems and procedures. This can be a great way to jump
right into the business with both feet flying. The
business is already established and you simply take
control of the management procedures. The major pitfall
to be careful of is the business' reputation. If the
business owner is a known scammer or spammer, people will
stay away from the site, no matter what you do.

Build. Build it and they will come. It works in the
movies, but unfortunately, not on the net. If you choose
to build your own site it can be an extremely rewarding
experience. There are many companies that offer software
which allows you to build your own site without knowing
HTML. If you choose to use Microsoft's FrontPage(TM), you
get the option of building the site in a WYSIWYG (What
You See Is What You Get) format and then click on the HTML
page to view the code. It is extremely useful to have
access to your site's HTML code as some marketing programs
require that you have access to this code.

Building your own site will take some time, effort and
creativity. If you are looking for a learning experience
that can provide you with an amazing feeling of
accomplishment at the end of the day, building your own
site may be the answer for you.

Whether you rent, buy or build your online money machine,
you need to keep in mind that this business is the same as
any other. You can always build a better mouse trap, but
if you don't market it like crazy, you won't catch any

Good luck and God Bless

Yours successfully,
Terry Telford

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

15 Proven Methods to Boost Your Sales copyright 2002 Terry Telford

If your sales are a little on the slow side, you need to polish your promotional skills and fire up the marketing
machine. This is the first of a two part article with a total of 30 tried, tested and proven techniques to kick your sales into high gear! Here are the first 15 techniques.

1. Use a PS and PSS after your signature. In the PS, summarize the key benefit. In the PSS restate the bonus or reason for ordering right now. Only your subject line is more important than your PS!

2. Vary your subject and medium. If you send out a monthly email promotion, vary the subject line. One month, your subject line could read 'Hi! It's Jake.' The next month it could read $1.99 special for the first hundred responses. With your 'Hi! It's Jake' subject line you could send an article with tips that will help your customers with common problems. Your '$1.99 special' could be a direct ad. By altering the format that you send, (article one time, ad the next) you will get more prospects past the subject line and into your email.

3. Mail your customers on a more frequent basis. If you send your customers a promotion once a month, double it. Send them a promotion every two weeks.

4. Use add-on sales. The best place to get an add-on sale is just before your prospect places their order. Include two buttons or links at the bottom of your order form, one for ordering just the product and one for ordering your product with an add-on. Here's a quick example. You are selling an ebook you have written called Marketing. Your add-on is a Lifetime upgrade.

a. At the bottom of the order form you include a text link that says 'Click here to order Marketing for only $19.95.'

b. Directly underneath, you place a second text link that says 'Click here to order Marketing, including your Lifetime Upgrades for only $29.95.

c. Place a short paragraph after the button, explaining all the benefits of ordering the Lifetime upgrades as well. After the paragraph, place the Lifetime Upgrades order link again.

5. Upsell to a better product. If you are offering free autoresponders, upsell your customers to a better version of your product. Quick example. You offer a free, quality autoresponder which sends a single message. If your customer upgrades to a 'Gold' autoresponder for only $2.95 per month,
they get an autoresponder which can send up to ten, time delayed messages.

6. Use current events to propel your sales. If the inflation figures have just risen again, offer an 'Inflation Buster' promo.

7. Offer additional products. After you have sold your main product (with an add-on) keep in contact with the customer and offer additional products. You can sell more add-ons or upgrades that compliment the original purchase, or completely new products.

8. Offer a payment plan. If you are selling a big ticket item, offer to split the payments into three or four easy
installments. Installments can be spread over weeks or months, depending on the size of the purchase.

9. Offer special promotions. Holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day are perfect for special promotions. Anniversaries and birthdays also give you a perfect excuse to contact your customers and offer them a special promotional deal.

10. Include a deadline. By including a deadline, customers are more inclined to make a purchase sooner. It is human nature to leave things to the last moment, so make sure your deadline falls within a short period of time after you send your offer.

11. Use incremental deadlines. If you run a monthly special, offer to include an extra bonus, plus a FREE gizmo and a lifetime upgrade if they order before the end of the first week. In the second week of the campaign, offer an extra bonus, plus a FREE gizmo, only if they order by the end of the week. In the third week, they get an extra bonus if they order by the end of the week. And the fourth week, they get
the product with no bonuses.

12. Use the take away approach. This works well in conjunction with the incremental deadline approach. Tell your customer that if they don't order today, they will miss out on the fabulous lifetime upgrade offer.

13. Make the purchase easy. Make it easy for customers to purchase from you by offering alternative methods of payment. Some people don't feel comfortable placing their credit card number online. Make sure you offer the option to pay by check. Include a printable fax/mail order form that they can print
out and send to you by snail mail or fax.

14. Give guarantees. Make sure your product comes with a 100%, no questions asked, lifetime, guarantee. People love to feel secure when ordering. If you stand behind your product 100%, you give your customers the security they need.

15. Sell to categories. If you find that your product is popular with accountants, try a promotional campaign
directed to this category of customers.

There are an unlimited number of techniques and tactics that you can experiment with to drive your sales through the roof. When you have success with a particular promotion, keep polishing and experimenting until it is worn out and then experiment with something new.

Good luck and God Bless

Yours successfully,
Terry Telford

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10 Ways To Make Your E-mails Grab Attention! by Larry Dotson

1. Use extra white space creatively in your subject line. You can add extra blank spaces between your
words or letters.

2. Combine capital letters with lower case letters. Use all capital letters in every other word or use a
capital letter between every other lower case letter.

3. Add text symbols in your subject line. You could use them between words and letters. Start and end
your subject with a text symbol. ( *, $, >,{,] )

4. Begin your subject line with the word "STOP!". People have been trained their whole life to stop
what they are doing when they see that word.

5. Ask people a question in your subject line. We all went to school and were repetitively branded to
answer questions.

6. Use the word "FREE" in your subject line. Your offer should be attractive to your target audience.
It could be free information, software, trials, etc.

7. Begin your subject line with an "online smile :)". People use smiles offline to gain people's attention
and to win their trust, why not use them online too.

8. Don't use unbelievable claims in your subject line. People have been or know someone who has been ripped off and have trained themselves to ignore those claims.

9. Don't use all capital letters in your subject line. It is hard to read, looks unprofessional, and on the
internet it's considered a symbol for shouting.

10. Test different subject lines to see which ones draw the most traffic to your web site. Also, read
the FAQ before posting a message or ad anywhere.

Kepentingan List

 Email dari en nizam & Esa :

Saya menerima email baru-baru ini daripada seseorang
yang telah mencuba pelbagai program dan skim diinternet
tetapi tidak mendatangkan sebarang hasil :(

Beliau merasa musykil bagaimana hendak buat duit diinternet
dan bertanya kepada saya apa yang perlu beliau lakukan.

Saya bertanya kepada beliau: \"Anda mempunyai list tak?\"

\"Hmm... list, apa tu? Senarai apa?\" Beliau menjawab.

Saya terus berkata \"Jika tiada list, jangan harap anda
hendak buat duit diinternet!\" Beliau terus terdiam.

Mengapa? Nanti saya terangkan kemudian..

Sebelum saya menerjah ke dunia internet, saya bergiat
dalam gayapos dengan permulaan 500 list. Kemudian
bertambah sehingga 10,000 dan apa yang terjadi?

Saya menjana lebih RM300,000 dengan list saya :)

Rahsia Kekayaan #2: List = Duit!

Jadi apa itu list?

List adalah mereka yang meminta maklumat dan berminat
dengan produk yang anda tawarkan. Biasanya mereka akan
berikan nama, email atau alamat kepada anda untuk

Jutawan atau guru internet mempunyai jumlah list yang
besar.Mereka berhubung dengan list mereka dan memberikan
tip dan teknik yang berharga kepada list mereka. Semakin
lama, list akan terbiasa dengan mereka dan memberi
kepercayaan! Inilah yang anda perlu capai.

Ini mungkin diluar jangkaan anda, Frank Kern (saya adalah
seorang list beliau) menjana sejuta dollar dalam masa
5 jam dengan menulis HANYA satu email kepada list beliau.

Kesimpulannya,jika anda mahu buat duit dari internet, anda
perlu mempunyai list dan ingat FORMULA AJAIB ini:

** Sesiapa sahaja biasanya 1000X akan membeli sesuatu
berdasarkan saranan daripada orang yang mereka PERCAYA
daripada orang yang tidak dikenali langsung! **

(Sekarang anda tahu jawapannya mengapa kawan kita tadi
tidak dapat sesen pun dengan bisnes internetnya!)

Jadi jika anda mempunyai 1000 list, dan 20% membeli
produk berharga RM300 dalam setahun, pendapatan anda
sudah mencecah RM60,000!

Jika anda mempunyai 2000 list, dan 20% membeli produk
berharga RM300 dalam setahun, anda dapat RM120,000 dan
tidak perlu risau lagi tentang duit!

Anda dapat bayangkan??

Matlamat anda sebagai pakar internet ialah membina
sekurang-kurangnya 1000 list.

Kemudian anda perlu membina kepercayaan daripada
list anda dengan memberikan maklumat percuma yang
cukup bernilai!

Akhir sekali, anda tawarkan produk-produk yang
mempunyai nilai yang sama tingginya dan lihat bank
akaun anda meledak dengan wang ringgit tanpa anda sedari! :)

Ini adalah rahsia kekayaan yang mesti anda ingat sampai bila-
bila! Anda cukup bertuah kerana mengetahui rahsia hebat ini
awal-awal lagi! Ianya mutiara yang cukup berharga!

Orait, jumpa lagi dengan rahsia kekayaan yang lain.

Demi kejayaan anda,

Mohd Nizam & Esa

Monday, January 17, 2011

8 Innovative Ways Personalization can Explode Your Profits © 2000 by Harmony Major

A Unique, 5-Minute Sales Tactic for Instantly Increasing Your Marketing Results Up to 400%!

With so many people beginning to realize the worth of this ever priceless marketing tool, personalization is slowly but surely becoming one of the most effective marketing methods on the Internet today. Are YOU using personalization yet? If not, your profits are sure to start suffering soon. Here are 8 priceless
ways to easily double your sales and profits through the use of personalization:

1. Personalize the end of your ezine with your subscribers e-mail addresses. If you list the address they're subscribed as near the remove instructions, it will minimize the number of heated e-mails you receive from frustrated subscribers trying to remove themselves from your list.

Mail Master Pro automatically inserts your subscriber's e-mail address and custom unsubscribe link at the bottom of your mailing at the click of a button. Get this new CGI script at

2. Using the NAMES of your subscribers will make your ezine more appealing, and more likely to be read FIRST. Readers feel like you're talking directly to them, and will look forward to your ezine.

I've used Mail Master Pro, and Aureate Group Mail before my list grew to 2,000 readers. Now, I use my 1 Shopping Cart system http://ExpertOnEbiz.com/get/mc.html to automate  mail bounces, (un)subscriptions, etc. It also can personalize your mailings (and it offers a lot more than list hosting.)

3. Personalize your autoresponder follow up messages when possible to ensure that your message gets noticed. Think it doesn't matter? Picture two separate e-mail messages. One has "Dear Internet marketer" as the opening line. The other has "Dear John." Which of those do you think will get TRASHED? And which do
you think will be read?

You guessed right! One autoresponder service that supports personalization is GetResponse at http://getresponse.com

4. Use Javascript to enhance your e-commerce website with personalization capabilities. Have you seen the pop-up name boxes used on some websites? That's the Webmaster's clever plan to hold your attention longer -- by peppering your name throughout their website sales message.

Check out The Javascript Source for other ideas and free scripts, at http://javascript.internet.com  Just remember to hide the script from older browsers to ensure visitor retention with browser compatibility.

5. Personalize e-mail messages to Webmasters, potential link partners, prospects, and anyone else you communicate with by e-mail. By using their name in the greeting AND throughout the message, you'll catch (and hopefully hold) their attention much longer, and they'll know that your message was truly intended for
THEM. It also shows that you pay attention to what they have to say, and that you recognize them as an important person. :)

6. Don't call someone by a nickname unless they first give you permission to do so. If my name is Suzanne, I probably don't want someone I just met calling me "Sue." If my name is William, I don't necessarily want to be called "Billy-Bob" unless I've already accepted you as my friend. All in all, stay safe and call people by their full names unless they ask otherwise.

7. No matter how many times you sprinkle your reader's personal info throughout your message, if it's too long, it simply won't get read. If it's an e-mail, try to stay under 3 - 4k. If it's an ezine, 20 - 25K is a good stopping point.

I cringe when I see other entrepreneurs consistently writing e-mails and replies that are 10k and over! An occasional 5-6k message might be okay if you have a lot of information to get across on the same topic, but a continuous "ezine length" e-mail ISN'T very likely to get read!

8. When using names, email addresses, street addresses, or whatever kind of personalization you decide on ... be sure to SPELL IT RIGHT! You're defeating the purpose of this strong, money-making marketing tool when you address me, (Ms. Major), as "Mr. Majors." Not only that, it's downright tacky. It shows
people that you couldn't care less about them OR their name, as long as you're making your money!

So, sit up and pay attention. It only takes a few seconds to check to make sure you're getting it right. If you don't have that long, you should think about finding another profession. One that DOESN'T require any person-to-person interaction.

BONUS: When using personalization, DON'T OVERDO IT. If a reader finds their name throughout your ezine in every other sentence, it becomes unnatural -- and annoying. Use personalization sparingly, and just enough to be effective. Overuse is worse than NOT using it at all.

In closing ...

Remember -- successful entrepreneurs are very busy people with itchy click fingers! Follow the eight profit-generating personalization tips above, to avoid having your e-mail fall victim to the "skim/delete" bug.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

7 Simple Ways To Boost Your E-Book Sales by Michael Southon

You can often dramatically increase your E-Book sales by making a few minor adjustments to your sales page. Here are 7 ways to increase your E-Book sales:

(1) Make sure your 'Order' link appears at least 3 times on your sales page.

(2) If your link currently says 'Order!', change it to 'Order via Secure SSL Server' (if that is the
case). I made this change about a month ago, and I noticed an immediate increase in sales.

(3) Offer a money-back guarantee that makes it clear that you don't mind refunding purchases.

(4) Add a 'guarantee' logo or icon to your sales page. You can find a variety of 'guarantee' graphics
at AltaVista's MediaSearch:


Click on the 'tab' that says 'Images' and then type 'guarantee' into the search box. AltaVista will
return multiple pages of 'guarantee icons'.

(Before placing one of these graphics on your website, make sure it is not covered by copyright).

(5) Offer 2 or 3 chapters of your book free (in the form of a downloadable Trial version of your E-Book).
You could also allow people to read those same chapters online.

(6) Include a 'Table of Contents' so that your visitors can see what your E-Book contains.

(7) Keep your sales copy to one page. People are spending less and less time surfing the Web - if your
sales message is more than one page, your visitors will probably move on before reaching the end.

(c) 2000 by Michael Southon

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Billionaires Guide To Getting Rich by John Colanzi

The sage Zenrin once said "If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it."

Sound advice, but are you following it?

If you're like most people, probably not. So who's advice do you listen to?

** Your next door neighbor

** Your barber or hairdresser

** Your mechanic

The list is endless. You get excited about starting your own business and the doom and gloom crowd takes pleasure in stomping on your dreams.

Before you listen to them, ask yourself one question. Have they been where you want to go?

Probably not.

So who's advice should you listen to? The men and women who've traveled the mountain.

One man who travelled the mountain and amassed a fortune in the process, was J. Paul Getty.

In his autobiography Getty lists his 10 rules for creating wealth.

What do you think was Mr. Getty's number one rule for getting rich?

You must have your own business. He didn't say get a good job.

The same skills you use to make money for your boss, could be better applied to creating wealth for you.

There's an old cartoon that brings the point home even clearer.

A father is asking his son, "Wow, wouldn't you love to be a football player and make all that money?"

The little boy smiles and says, "Daddy, I'd rather be the guy that can afford to pay the whole team."

The next time you're excited, keep your own council and remember the words of Ben Franklin.

"Keep Thy Shop and Thy Shop Will Keep Thee."

Dare to dream. Be your own boss.

Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi
Street Smart Marketing

Friday, January 14, 2011

Panduan Menghadiri temuduga

Salam sejahtera,

Menghadiri temuduga kerja adalah perkara biasa bagi kalangan graduan lepasan ijazah, diploma,
lepasan SPM, mahupun golongan yang sudah pun bekerja.

Jika diketepikan soal politik, kabel, dan talian hayat, apakah faktor utama kepada kejayaan sesebuah

1. Kejayaan awal

Andaikan anda mendapat suatu panggilan temuduga bagi mengisi sesebuah jawatan kosong yang pernah
anda pohon suatu ketika dahulu di sesebuah organisasi.

Apa yang harus anda lakukan? Setkan dalam minda bahawa anda telah pun berjaya dalam peringkat
pertama mengejar karier. Jangan sesekali memandang rendah akan kuasa minda.

Minda yang dapat disetkan dengan baik mampu memberi kekuatan kepada keseluruhan perjalanan
temuduga yang akan dilalui ini.

Setkan bahawa :
Tanpa kejayaan anda di peringkat pertama ini, tidak mungkin akan wujud peringkat kedua.
Oleh itu, perjalanan mesti diteruskan.

2. Persiapan awal: Kajian

Sebaik mendapat surat temuduga, buat sedikit persiapan sebelum tiba tarikh temuduga.

Kaji latar belakang organisasi yang menawarkan temuduga jawatan kosong kepada anda.
Apakah urusan utama organisasi tersebut, berapa lama ditubuhkan, saiz organisasi, kaitan organisasi
dengan anda, dan sebagainya.

Buat kajian terperinci tentang jawatan yang ditawarkan. Kenapa jawatan itu diwujudkan, peranan utama
jawatan, pengetahuan yang perlu ada untuk mengisi jawatan tersebut, dan mengapa anda rasa anda
diperlukan untuk mengisi jawatan tersebut.

Kalau dapat, lihat berapa banyak kerusi yang ditawarkan untuk jawatan tersebut,
serta berapa ramai calon yang dipanggil untuk temuduga jawatan tersebut.

Kaji juga sejauh mana anda sendiri memerlukan jawatan mahu pun organisasi tersebut.
Sejauh mana ia bersesuaian dengan kelulusan anda, dan sejauh mana kelulusan anda bersesuaian
dengan jawatan tersebut.

Sekiranya anda berasa selesa setelah menjalani kajian-kajian di atas, besarlah harapan anda untuk berjaya
dalam temuduga itu nanti.

Sebaliknya jika anda rasa kurang selesa, cuba cari tawaran lain dan lupakan temuduga tersebut,
melainkan anda memang terdesak untuk meneruskan kehidupan anda sehari hari.

3. Persiapan sebelum temuduga

Pada hari temuduga, bangun awal. Banyak perkara yang harus anda lakukan sebelum pergi ke tempat
temuduga, dengan tenang dan tidak gopoh gapah.

Sebelum solat subuh, lakukan solat sunat hajat (lepas subuh tak boleh, masa tu tak boleh solat sunat dah).
Minta supaya dipermudahkan urusan temuduga anda pada hari tersebut.

4. Tali leher bagi lelaki adalah wajib

Selepas mandi (jangan tak mandi pula), bagi lelaki, wajib memakai baju kemeja lengan panjang lengkap
dengan tali leher, tidak kira bagi jawatan apa sekalipun. Bagi perempuan, kenakan pakaian yang sopan
dan semestinya menutup aurat.

5. No perfume, please!

Elakkan memakai bau-bauan atau sebarang perkara yang bermaksud untuk berwangi-wangian.
Selain berdosa (bagi perempuan), bau-bauan ini boleh mengakibatkan markah anda ditolak seandainya
penemuduga terhidu perfume anda sewaktu proses temuduga dijalankan.

6. Dapatkan gambaran isu semasa

Para remaja biasanya kurang berminat untuk mengetahui isu semasa, terutama bab politik dan ekonomi.
Kerana ianya membosankan dan tidak seseronok tabloid Metro Harian.

Namun, untuk hari temuduga, korbankan sedikit ketidakselesaan itu. Selepas bersarapan ala kadar,
ambil masa baca suratkhabar atau dengar radio. Paling baik kalau dapat tonton dengan Buletin Pagi di
TV3, sambil sarapan pun boleh dengar.

Kalau tak dapat tonton TV, baca suratkhabar utama seperti Berita Harian, Utusan, New Straits Times,
The Star, dan sebagainya.

Baca topik-topik semasa, politik, ekonomi, dan isu-isu kerajaan serta berita yang mempunyai kaitan dengan
jawatan anda jika ada.

Penemuduga biasanya berminat dengan calon yang mempunyai kepekaan dan keprihatinan terhadap
persekitaran hidup masyarakat keseluruhan, terutama dari segi fizikal, sosial, ekonomi, pentadbiran serta

7. Melangkah ke lokasi temuduga

Sebelum meninggalkan rumah, pastikan anda membawa bersama surat panggilan temuduga serta
dokumen-dokumen yang diisyaratkan dalam surat panggilan temuduga.

Buatkan satu check-list ringkas supaya tiada yang tertinggal melainkan tapak kaki.

Pastikan anda tiba sebelum masa yang ditetapkan. Aspek masa amat dititikberatkan dalam sesebuah
program temuduga.

Setibanya anda di lokasi, tenangkan diri dan banyakkan doa tawakkal. Letakkan harapan anda pada
Yang Maha Esa.

Akhir kata, selamat menghadiri temuduga. Semoga berjaya!

Lau Hock Cai

Dapatkan panduan lengkap menghadapi temuduga di sini :

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6 Secrets to Explosive Web Traffic

According to the goto.com search engine, in September of  1999, there were 51,103 people who searched for the keyword "free." The related term "free stuff" was typed in by 33,556 visitors .

Fast forward to today. goto.com is now overture.com and the keyword searches have skyrocketed.

In August 2002, there were 1,163,251 people who searched for the keyword "free."  The related term "free stuff" was entered 236,611 times.

It just goes to show, some things never change, the power "free" is alive and kicking.

Something for nothing is a universal passion and successful webmasters are aware of this aspect of human psychology. A very effective method to increase your customer base is giving something away. The following are several popular items that will draw people to your site and keep them returning:

1) Through the magic of javascript, you can have daily quotes, weather and a world clock displayed on your website. The beauty is, people do not click off your site to get this information. They can stay at your site and still see your services and opportunities. Since quotes and weather are very popular search items, consider adding this feature to your site. This is a free service offered by


2) Join a program that enables you to offer your visitors free software, free e-mail, contests, sweepstakes,
vacations , gift certificates and other merchandise. Two companies that do this are:


They require that you already have 350 visitors a day in order to be accepted  as an affiliate. You also are paid a small bounty fee each time someone fills out a form and this itself can be a nice revenue. If you do not have enough traffic to be accepted, http://www.clickxchange.com is a company that may be more appropriate.They have less stringent requirements and will pay you for clicks, leads and sales received from your website. You can offer free travel resources, jokes, or newsletters from all the sites listed above.

3) The latest craze is to give away e-books from your website. E-books are electronic books, usually in .exe
or .pdf files. Just like regular books, e-books cover a wide range of topics. One of the big advantages of
e-books is the ability to use hyperlinks to send readers to your website, an affiliate site, or anywhere else on
the web.

E-books can be downloaded from your own website or  offered to other webmasters as freebies to be downloaded from their sites. If you are interested in compiling your own e-book the following resource will be helpful:


If you write your own e-book, be sure to have it listed at the many websites that have e-book libraries for their visitors. Each person who downloads your e-book will be getting the url to your website within the book and can click to your site while reading it. You can get a free e-mail course that tells you how to create an e-book in 10 days. Just send an e-mail to:


4)The word "Jokes" is a very popular search term. "Joke of  the Day " Newsletter has over 37,000 subscribers. You can start an online newsletter (also called "ezine") that focuses on your website's content. Then promote your website in your ezine to increase your traffic and sales.

Then list it at the following free directories:


Ezines, unlike e-books are not files that one downloads (ie zip or exe files), but are sent via e-mail to

If you don't have the background yourself or the time to write a newsletter you can always do interviews. For
example, each week you can have a recipe from a popular restaurant. Call a number of restaurants and you'll find that if you give them credit they will allow you to print one of their top recipes in your newsletter.

Once you have a number of subscribers, you can trade ads with other ezines and/or sell ad space.

5) Offer a contest and have people fill out an entry form. This is good to customize around one's website.

If you have a pet website, give away a book on pets or a free pet supply or free consulting. A website based on music could give away a CD, or concert tickets.

When you receive the entries you can e-mail those who submitted entries in order to announce the winners. You can list in that e-mail some additional items of interest about your services and opportunities in this e-mail.

Plus, don't forget to advertise your contest on sites that list sweepstakes and contests.

Do a search on Altavista or Yahoo for Contests, Sweepstakes and Free Stuff. E-mail the webmaster if there isn't a form to fill out on the site. Because free offers need to be updated often this is a database that constantly needs new listings.

6) You can get free offline publicity for your website by using press releases and announcements. Check your newspaper and find "Community News," "New Products," "Local Announcements" and other areas that might list your contest information.

Remember that giving something away for free is a powerful traffic generator as well as a way to have your visitors gain trust in you. Offer something of substance and your customer base will build significantly, as will the confidence in your services.

Debra Cohen, LCSW
Get Quotes with Questions to Ponder for free
in your inbox. Reflect on life's questions:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rahsia Kekayaan #1: Punca Duit Meledak DiBongkar!

Anda pernah buat kesilapan ini?

Anda membeli kereta baru, rumah baru atau TV plasma
baru dan menggunakan duit gaji anda untuk membayarnya?

Jika YA, anda telah membuat kesilapan besar...

Tetapi jangan risau, kerana hampir 95% orang lain juga
membuat perkara yang sama... termasuk saya!  :-)

Saya ingin katakan apa yang biasa anda lakukan bukanlah
taktik para jutawan. Jutawan menggunakan satu taktik yang
cukup licik untuk membeli apa sahaja yang mereka mahukan
...secara PERCUMA. Huh?

Saya telah menggunakan teknik rahsia ini setelah saya membaca
buku bestseller, Robert Koyasaki \"Rich Dad Poor Dad\".

Dalam buku tersebut Robert menceritakan satu hari seorang broker
kereta menelefon dan berkata yang kereta idaman beliau,
Porsche edisi terbaru baru sahaja tiba dan mengajak beliau melihatnya.

Robert yang memang mengidamkan kereta Porsche terpegun
melihatnya dan tanpa berfikir dua kali terus membeli kereta Porsche
ini secara hutang. Beliau terus memberi deposit dan membuat pinjaman
selama 5 tahun. Ya, beliau sudah pun menjadi jutawan tetapi
tetap mahu berhutang! Macam mana tu... ok, biar saya terangkan.

Beliau terus memberi deposit dan membuat pinjaman selama
5 tahun. Kemudian apa yang beliau lakukan ialah mencari
satu projek hartanah dan menyewakannya. Duit sewa dari
projek hartanah tersebut digunakan untuk membayar sewa
bulanan kereta Porsche. Secara logiknya, bukankah beliau
membeli kereta ini secara percuma?

Dan baru-baru ini saya berminat dengan satu laptop HP. Sebelum
ini saya menggunakan desktop HP tetapi anak saya, Allyssa
asyik membebel hendakkan komputer untuk bermain games.

Jadi apa yang saya lakukan ialah saya menulis satu email
ringkas dalam masa 10 minit dan hantarkan kepada list saya.
Dalam masa seminggu, saya lihat RM3200 dalam akaun bank
dan tanpa membuang masa saya terus membeli laptop HP.

Konsep jutawan yang ingin saya jelaskan disini ialah jika anda
mahu membeli sesuatu yang mahal harganya, anda perlu memikirkan
satu cara untuk membayar ansuran bulanan tanpa perlu mengeluarkan
duit kocek anda sendiri.

Ingat duit yang masuk kekocek anda ialah aset, dan duit yang keluar
dari kocek anda ialah hutang! Jika anda pelik mengapa anda masih
lagi tidak hidup senang, inilah punca sebenarnya. Bukannya gaji anda
kecik, anda sudah 10 tahun tak promote, boss anda kedekut, isteri anda
habiskan duit anda atau apa juga alasannya.

Sebenarnya punca mengapa sesorang tidak hidup senang ialah mereka
menggunakan duit gaji setiap bulan untuk membayar kereta, minyak kereta,
rumah, bil astro, susu anak.. semuanya. Sebab itulah setiap hujung bulan
akaun bank anda semakin berkurangan. :-(

Jadi apa yang perlu anda lakukan?

Cari punca pendapatan baru! Jangan hanya bergantung kepada satu
punca pendapatan sahaja. Jika satu punca pendapatan bermasalah,
anda mempunyai cabang duit lain yang boleh membantu.

Banyak punca pendapatan yang boleh anda fikirkan. Antaranya ialah
internet, gayapos, mlm (meniaga larut malam?), ejen insuran, pasar malam
dan  banyak lagi yang boleh anda fikirkan. Cari sesuatu yang sesuai dengan
jiwa anda dan impian hidup anda.

  Konsep kekayaan ini nampak mudah tetapi impaknya akan
membuatkan anda melarat seumur hidup atau anda bakal bergelar seorang
jutawan satu hari nanti. Buka minda anda dan cuba fahamkan.

Orait, jumpa lagi dengan rahsia kekayaan yang lain!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Make Affiliate Commissions The Easy Way By Charles Neshah

Affiliate marketing is supposedly an easy way to make money online, even without a website. As an affiliate marketer you need not handle customers or refunds, nor develop your own product and keep stock. Affiliate marketing can be the fastest way to begin making money online, but you must first find a profitable niche through keyword research to make any money. Below are the ways I make money as an affiliate - read and do the same and make money.
I do not promote products that do not pay high commissions. I mostly affiliate with vendors at ClickBank where there are digital products that pay between 25 and 75 percent commissions. ClickBank is not the only affiliate program site out there but I use it because I find it easy to locate converting products there. Pick products to promote based on gravity. A gravity of 130 and above means that other affiliates are making substantial sales with that product.
There are thousands of affiliate programs online, but not all of them live up to their promise to pay commissions on time. Some do not even pay at all. Therefore ensure that which ever program you choose already has satisfactory members who a collecting their commissions without fail, and on time, too.
Since you are not the only one selling the product you choose, you have to make effort to build a list of visitors who would become acquainted with you. Provide them with useful information through free reports or short ebooks. Informative short reports that are related to the product you are marketing will surely distinguish you from others who are selling the same product.
Such reports are irresistible bets for your readers. Use your free report or ebook to provide your prospects with informed knowledge of the product, but do not try to sell to them. Let the sales page of the product do the selling. Just prepare your visitors to head over their with a buying mindset.
Build your list by collecting your visitors email addresses before they download your free ebooks or free reports by filling up your squeeze page form. This will enable you to keep reminding them of the benefits of the product if they failed to buy during their first contact with your site or squeeze page. You need to send out as many as six different messages via your auto responder before some people may decide to buy. Each of those messages should contain your affiliate link.
People like free gifts so find what you can offer them for free in return for their contact information such as email addresses. Do not just send them to the vendor's website. If you do so and they fail to buy the first time they go their, you may have lost them forever.
Having said all that, the most important thing is how do you get people to visit your site? It is by basing your content on well researched keywords, which people are already using to search for the product your are marketing. I use Michro Niche Finder for my keyword/niche research and it has been quite useful. I hope this article has been useful. I wish you success.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Simple Affiliate Marketing System - 4 Steps To Start Your Affiliate Business Correctly

Making money from affiliate marketing is simple once you understand the big picture view of the business and you are willing to take consistent action. There are many different systems that are available on the internet and you will want to make sure that you are choosing the one that you can understand. Here is one simple affiliate marketing system which many people have used to get results.
Step 1 - Drive Traffic To Squeeze Page
Once you have identified the profitable market and the product that you want to promote, you will need to create your squeeze page. When your squeeze page is live online, you should be focusing the majority of your time on traffic generation activities. This is to ensure that you will be driving consistent flow of traffic back to your website so that there will be constant stream of people who will be aware of your promotion.
Step 2 - Get The Visitors' Contact Details
You should have the opt in form on your squeeze page that will enable you to collect the visitors' details. It is important that you have attention grabbing headline and good marketing messages which explains the things that they will get if they join your list. Having the visitor's contact details will give you the ability to contact them.
Step 3 - Use Autoresponder To Follow Up With New Subscribers
Most professional autoresponder services will give you the ability to put a series of email messages set in the time sequence that will be sent out whenever a new subscriber join your list. This is useful as you can put a few months email messages in advance and every one of your subscribers will receive it when they join your list. You will just need to focus on driving traffic to your website and the follow up will be done automatically.
Step 4 - Backend Marketing
The main purpose of building your own list is to have the ability to promote other relevant products to them. You will need to focus on giving them values and helping them consistently over a period of time so that you will be able to build a trusting relationship with them. When they trust you, there is a higher possibility of them looking and purchasing the product that you are recommending.
Here is the simple 4 step system which many people have used to earn money from the internet. Keep growing your list and giving your subscribers values as that is the only way to get long term profits.
Zack Lim is an internet affiliate marketer who owns http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com/FreeEcourse. He has helped hundreds of people to start their own affiliate marketing business.
He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your own affiliate marketing business easier.
To learn how to start your own affiliate marketing business without wasting your time and money, visit http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com/FreeEcourse

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - 3 Foundational Steps You Must Take to Be Successful

Before we start talking about affiliate marketing for beginners, let's get one thing clear.
Just because you don't know about affiliate marketing doesn't make you a dummy. You just don't know what you don't know.
And quite frankly, there's probably a lot you don't know. Way more than I can cover in one article. But what I can do today is give you a quick look at the basics of affiliate marketing for beginners.
At it's most basic, it can be summed up in 3 steps.
  1. Identify a group with a need
  2. Find a product or service to fill the need
  3. Introduce the group to the product or service
Affiliate marketing for beginners is really as simple as these 3 things, the rest depends what happens between the prospective customer and the vendor.
So how do you go about doing this stuff?
First, lets talk about finding an audience and matching them to a product or service.
The first step to doing this is separating needs from wants.
Because people are much more likely to spend money on what they need vs what they want. You have to have what you need. But you'll pass on something that you'd just like to have.
For example, let's say you are marketing a skin moisturizer. One is for general use, the other is for people with eczema. Which one do you think will be an easier sell?
The one for eczema because this person NEEDS to stop the itchiness, the flaking and sometimes bleeding that comes with this skin condition. The general moisturizer is a product that is simply nice to have.
Makes sense?
OK, so that takes us to step 3. How do you find an audience of eczema sufferers and match them to the moisturizer?
Well, you put yourself in their shoes. Where would you go if you had this issue? Would you do a search on Google?
I would!
And when you do, you'll find everything from Wikis to websites on the subject. But as an affiliate marketer, you need to know exactly how to position yourself online to be successful. You want to be right in the line of fire when that audience is ready to buy.
Knowing these things are crucial for affiliate marketing for beginners.
But how do you lean this stuff?
The great thing about affiliate marketing for beginners or anyone else is that it's not so hard to do. You just need a roadmap to show you the way to sales.
Visit my blog post at http://leslieabrooks.com/affiliate-marketing-for-beginners where I break down these three steps in more detail.
My name is Leslie Brooks, and I want to help you on your road to affiliate marketing success!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

cara jana duit menggunakan program affiliate

Program affiliate adalah program dimana pihak penjual memberi kita komisen jika kita dapat menjual barangan mereka. kebanyakkan program ini adalah percuma kita sertai dan kita hanya perlu melakukan promosi untuk menjual barangan mereka. Program affiliate dapat menjimatkan kita dari segi barangan, urusan jual beli dan sebagainya. Yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah promosi, promosi dan promosi.

Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk kita membuat promosi : blog, iklan percuma, email, forum dan sebagainya.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tips menulis iklan

>>> TIP TOP # 1 <<<

Adakah anda melihat bagaimana semua iklan cemerlang ditulis?

Untuk memastikan bahawa iklan baris anda menonjol dalam
pengiklanan, beberapa peraturan sederhana perlu diikuti, penggunaan bakat kreatif, dan
Formula pemenang anugerah. Jika anda ikuti A-B-C untuk
baris berkesan anda dan keuntungan anda. Dan itulah yang semuanya

Berikut ini adalah tips cepat dan sederhana sebagai panduan untuk menulis
Iklan baris yang menjual.

A. Berfikir seperti pembaca anda. Ketika anda menulis iklan anda,
selalu ingat bahawa pembaca anda berfikir 'Apa yang ada di
situ, untuk saya? "

B. Tuliskan iklan anda untuk satu orang. berlagak seolah-olah anda duduk
di samping pembaca anda sambil berbual. Hanya ada satu
orang pada waktu membaca iklan anda.

C. Menulis senarai manfaat untuk produk anda. Ingat,
manfaat tidak ciri-ciri. Ini adalah contoh.

FITUR: Buatlah satu juta dolar dalam talian

MANFAAT: Nikmati gaya hidup mewah orang kaya dan
terkenal, tepat di rumah anda sendiri.

Lihat perbezaannya? Sebuah ciri adalah apa produk atau
perkhidmatan ini. Keuntungannya adalah merasa perasaan yang baik yang anda dapatkan
dari ciri-ciri tersebut. Sekarang senaraikan semua faedah untuk produk anda.

D. Edit senarai manfaat dan pilih yang terbaik.
Menulis diklasifikasikan berjaya adalah seperti menulis kalimat,
Anda fokus pada satu fikiran pada suatu masa.

E. Tulis judul untuk diklasifikasikan anda, dengan menggunakan manfaat
yang telah anda pilih. Headline adalah yang paling penting dalam
elemen iklan anda. Jika anda tidak menarik perhatian pembaca
dalam-mili kedua sebagai mereka mengimbas semua iklan baris,
Anda telah kehilangan mereka.

F. Tulis tubuh diklasifikasikan anda menggunakan ciri-ciri yang
sokongan faedah anda.

G. Mulailah menulis diklasifikasikan anda tanpa berfikir tentang
akhir saiz iklan. Tulis sebanyak mungkin tentang anda
produk, namun tetap fokus pada manfaat yang telah anda pilih.
Pada saat anda selesai anda mungkin mempunyai laman turun salinan.

H. Edit iklan anda. Kebanyakan ezines menjalankan iklan baris yang
sekitar 5 baris panjang dan lebar 60 aksara. Gunakan
pedoman ini untuk mengedit laman penuh anda salin ke normal
diklasifikasikan saiz. Memilih kalimah terbaik anda, kata-kata kuasa,
dan meyakinkan hujah yang akan membuat pembaca anda klik pada
link ke website anda atau menghantar e-mel.

I. Pastikan anda menyertakan alamat web dan e-mel. Guna
http:// sebelum alamat website anda, sehingga kelihatan seperti
http://www.bpcpublishing.com dan mailto: sebelum e-mel anda
alamat, sehingga kelihatan seperti mailto: info@bpcpublishing.com
Jangan menaruh tempoh selepas com atau. Anda boleh merosakkan link anda.

J. Apabila anda telah selesai membuat iklan, kembali dan membacanya.
Biarkan selama beberapa hari dan datang kembali dan membaca dan
ubah mana yang sesuai.

Apabila anda menulis iklan anda, buat untuk dipercayai. Menggunakan
banyak! mungkin mendapatkan perhatian, tapi itu membuat iklan anda dilihat
menarik perhatian dan kurang dipercayai. Orang benar-benar ingin percaya
apa yang mereka membaca, tetapi jika anda datang dari seperti ular
jualan minyak orang, satu tidak akan merespon iklan anda.
Kredibiliti anda adalah kunci.

Ada banyak lagi untuk menulis iklan dikelaskan dari sekadar
lisan muntah pada pembaca anda. Anda harus disempurnakan
dan menaruh beberapa pemikiran ke dalam apa yang anda katakan. Ini A-B-C
akan membantu anda menulis iklan baris yang berjaya dan menguntungkan.

Good luck dan God Bless

Salam sukses,
Terry Telford

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Janawang lagi

Selain Club-Asteria terdapat beberapa lagi program yang dapat menjana kewangan kita dengan mudah dan berkesan.... Program-program ini akan saya perjelaskan lagi dalam post yang akan datang

Jana wang bersama Club-Asteria

Apa itu Club-Asteria?
Club-Asteria adalah Program Perkongsian Keuntungan yang sebenar dimana keuntungan yang dihasilkan adalah daripada perniagaan yang jelas (real business) dan diuruskan oleh Andrea Lucas, seorang yang benar2 berkelayakan dengan pengalaman keseluruhan lebih 30 tahun. Beliau juga bekas Pengarah Bank Dunia. Maklumat lanjut boleh rujuk website syarikat.
Bagaimana keuntungan diperolehi?
Apabila anda mendaftar dan login, anda akan lihat banyak senarai pautan disertakan seperti Exclusive tools, business tools, success tools, training, coaching, opportunities, travel, shopping mall, remittances dan sebagainya. Keuntungan hasil dari jualan tersebut akan dikongsi bersama ahli Club-Asteria.
Anda boleh lihat
video Apa itu Club-Asteria dalam BI (jika tiada video, sila guna Google Chrome)
Apa itu Asterios?
Asterios adalah satu program seperti Points yang akan kita perolehi dengan pelbagai apabila menyertai program ini. Lebih banyak Asterios, lebih banyak keuntungan dari program ini.
Bagaimana nak Buat Duit?
Ada 3 cara
  1. Setiap minggu hari khamis, keuntungan keseluruhan Club-Asteria akan dibahagikan kepada setiap ahli dan lebih banyak asterios lebih banyak keuntungan diperolehi. Anda akan mendapat sehingga 10% bonus setiap minggu bergantung kepada keuntungan syarikat.
  2. Dengan melakukan penajaan, anda boleh mendaftar sebagai
    1. Silver ($9.95 sebulan). Jika anda menaja silver atau gold akan akan dapat $4.50 setiap bulan.
      Cth, jika anda taja 20 downline anda akan dapat $90 setiap bulan selain keuntungan mingguan diatas.
    2. Gold ($19.95 sebulan). Jika anda menaja silver dapat $4.50 sebulan dan gold dapat $9.00 sebulan.
      Cth, jika anda taja 10 silver dan 10 gold downline, maka anda akan dapat $45+$90=$135 setiap bulan
    3. Sebagai Gold dan juga memohon menjadi Network Director dengan modal sekali sahaja serendah $1000 dan mencapai sehingga 30% dari keuntungan kumpulan dibawah anda (tiada had/limit - unlimited deeps)
Berikut adalah contoh yang lain.
Sekiranya anda Gold juga Network Director
Taja 10 gold member, anda dapat $90 sebulan
Taja 50 gold member, anda dapat $450 sebulan
Taja 100 gold member, anda dapat $900 sebulan
Sebarang pembelian oleh downline, anda dapat 10% termasuk Group Bonus sehingga 30% sebulan. Ini tidak termasuk Bonus mingguan yang layak diterima.

Adakah anda nampak potensi perniagaan ini?
Sila lihat video Pemasaran (business plan dlm BI) disini (juga tiada video, sila guna google chrome)
Nota: Bonus mingguan sehingga 10% tidak tetap bergantung kepada keuntungan syarikat berdasarkan perkongsian keuntungan.
Bagaimana menjana sehingga Bonus Mingguan tanpa menaja?
Setiap minggu anda akan dapat sehingga 10% bonus daripada jumlah asterios anda. Daripada 10% tadi, 80% akan secara automatik kembali sebagai asterios (re-invest) dan 20% layak untuk dikeluarkan.
Contoh jika anda ada 1000 asterios terkumpul.
Minggu#1: Anda dapat 10% bonus mingguan atau 100 asterios. Daripada 100 asterios, 80% (80 asterios) akan dimasukkan semula dan ditambah dengan jumlah asterois yang sediada. Maka jumlah asterios terkini ialah 1080 asterios dan 20% daripada 100 asterios ($20) layak untuk dikeluarkan.

Minggu #2: Anda dapat lagi 10% bonus mingguan atau 108 asterios. 80% (86.4 asterios) akan dimasukkan semula menjadi jumlah asterios terkini 1166.4 asterios dan 20% daripada 108 asterios ($21.6) layak untuk dikeluarkan.
Process ini akan berulang setiap minggu sehingga jumlah Asterios anda maksima 20,000 dan anda layak mendapat bonus mingguan sehingga $400 (rm1320) atau rm5,280 sebulan tertakluk kepada peratusan mingguan diterima dan sehingga mana syarikat terus wujud atau tertakluk kepada perubahan.
Anda boleh mendapat lebih dari $400 seminggu jika anda aktif menaja atau sebagai Network Director (bonus kumpulan) dan mencapai pendapatan ribuan dollar atau 5 angka (usd) sebulan.
Sila download Income Calculator dibawah (excel spreadsheet file)
Bagaimana kaedah pembayaran?
Anda boleh upgrade melalui Alertpay, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay atau Debit/CreditCard
Anda boleh keluarkan duit melalui Alertpay dan kemudian terus ke Akaun Bank melalui Alertpay atau Club-Asteria DebitCard (akan datang)

Sekiranya anda tiada kad kredit, sila dapatkan Kad Debit dari EONBank atau CIMBBank, Kad Debit dari Maybank tidak boleh digunakan atas sebab teknikal
Bagaimana anda layak dibayar?
Olehkerana program ini benar (real business), maka anda perlu mengikut peraturan berikut untuk layak mendapat keuntungan.
  1. Selepas mendaftar, sila login, lengkapkan profil dan upload kad pengenalan anda (scan)
  2. Sila baca semua berita (news), jika News masih menyala2 (flashing in red) bermakna anda belum membaca lagi keseluruhan berita dan anda tidak akan dibayar.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Club Asteria

Program Perkongsian Keuntungan Yang Diasaskan oleh Andrea Lucas, Bekas Pengarah Bank Dunia.
OFFICE ADDRESS Club Asteria, Asteria Corporation 1934 Old Gallows Road Suite 350, Vienna, VA 22182  Tel: 1-703-226-8097 Fax: 1-703-832-0772 Email: info@club-asteria.com
No Cycle, No Matrix, No Straightline
No more waiting for downline to get paid
No Downline No Problem... 
Semua Ahli Club Asteria  
Terima Bonus Setiap Minggu!!!...
We sincerely thank you for taking part in Club-Asteria and we promise
to do everything in our power to give you the absolute best service possible.
We are continuously upgrading our software, so please be patient.
We expect to Official Launch January 2011. BE READY!..
Dengan modal serendah $9.95 atau $19.95 sebulan
ATAU dengan sekali modal sahaja serendah $270 Bagaimana? => Klik SINI
Masih tidak cukup banyak tu, anda ada peluang jana
5 angka (usd) sebulan sekiranya anda aktif menaja.
50% Bonus Tajaan Bulanan

Bonus Group sehingga 30% (unlimited deeps)

 Maklumat lanjut : myjanawang@gmail.com

Duit online

Duit online..... bunyi mcm menarik je.... tapi nak dapatkannya terdapat pelbagai teknik dan cara yg perlu dilakukan dan untuk mencipta kekayaan dgn duit online adalah tidak mustahil dan ramai yg telah membuktikan bahawa di laman sesawang ada tersembunyi kekayaan yang boleh diambil oleh sesiapa sahaja asalkan tahu caranya.